

Apply up to 70 kg N/ha. Broadcast 35 kg N/ha and all the required phosphate and potash before planting. The remainder of the nitrogen should be side-dressed 3-4 weeks after transplanting.

Phosphorus and Potassium

Test the soil to determine phosphorus and potassium requirements.

Table X, Phosphorus and Potassium Requirements for Eggplant on Mineral Soils

Legend: HR = High Response  MR = Medium Response  LR = Low Response  RR = Rare Response  NR = No Response
Phosphorus Potassium
Sodium Bicarbonate Phosphorus Soil Test (ppm) Rating Phosphate (P205) Required kg/ha Ammonium Acetate Potassium Soil Test (ppm) Rating Potash (K2O) Required (kg/ha)
0-3 HR 270 0-15 HR 270
4-5 HR 260 16-30 HR 250
6-7 HR  250 31-45 HR 230
8-9 HR 240 46-60 HR 200
10-12 HR 230 61-80 HR 170
13-15 HR 220 81-100 HR 130
16-20 HR  200 101-120 MR 100
21-25 HR  170 121-150 MR 80
26-30 MR 140 151-180 MR 50
31-40 MR 110 181-210 LR 0
41-50 MR 80 211-250 RR 0
51-60 LR 50 >250 NR 0
61-80 RR 0  
80+ RR 0  
For transplanted tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, apply a starter solution, such as 1 L of 10-34-0 per 100 L of water, or 1 L of 6-24-6 per 75 L at planting.