Pest Management Resources Vegetables

Handy guide to online resources for field vegetable production

You may already know about some or all of these online resources, but if you’re like me, it’s sometimes helpful to have a reminder.

OMAFRA Vegetable Crop Production Guide – Updates

The 2015 supplement to the OMAFRA Vegetable Crop Protection Guide is available online as a pdf. It lists new product registrations and changes for field vegetables from November 2013 to November 2014.

Cover Crops Decision Tool for Ontario

Covering vegetables and field crops, this online tool allows the user to input specific information about their farm and their goals in planting a cover crop to obtain a ranked list of recommended cover crop options suitable for their county. Information sheets cover their agronomic characteristics, management practices, potential benefits and limitations.

Ontario CropIPM

Find photos and information on pests of many vegetable and fruit crops in Canada. There’s lots more, too, like information on integrated pest management, diagnosing soil problems, and identifying herbicide injury.

Diseases and Pests of Vegetable Crops in Canada

This is a pdf version of the classic reference book, which has been out of print for a number of years.

You are reading it right now! Visit and follow to access timely information on commercial vegetable production in Ontario, brought to you by the OMAFRA vegetable team.

Specialty Cropportunities

Specialty Cropportunities is designed to assist growers transitioning to production of new, specialty or non-traditional crops. It provides a general overview of production information on a variety of specialty crops.


Here’s a place to access timely information on crop production and events affecting specialty crop producers and interested members of the industry in Ontario.

Sprayers 101

Sprayers 101 is your agricultural sprayer resource. Sprayers 101 describes best practices in the safe, efficient and effective operation of agricultural sprayers. Browse the library of articles, videos, presentations, apps, calculators, tables and ePubs.

PMRA Pesticide Label Search

Read the label! Here’s where you can find the most up-to-date labels for pest control products registered in Canada.

Let me know your favourite online resources for field vegetable production in the comment section below or @ontariotomato on Twitter.

Updated April 2016.

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